Going in hand-in-hand with our previous blog, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence is another technological aspect of life that applies in various ways to all businesses. I tend to generally speak, as it...
Bitcoin – A Cryptocurrency Bitcoin is a worldwide recognized payment system for trading digitally. It is an electronic currency with many benefits. As a decentralized digital currency, Bitcoin operates between ...
Automation testing is pre-scripted tests used on software to analyze any defects. This method is used to simplify testing efforts as much as possible. Using this Test Automation Framework allows these tools to ...
SEO, or search engine optimization, has been around for quite awhile now. The SEO trends, however, seem to differ every year. This all depends on emerging digital platforms and, of course, new technology. The w...
How organizations adopt agile methodology? First inclination might be to break up the component teams and create cross-functional feature teams. Each team would have some number of front end developers, middlew...
The Internet of Things is a topic of conversation that is only recently starting to be established as a definitive. As defined by Forrest Stroud in webopedia, “The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the ever-gr...